Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Bear Hides & Buffalo Workshop with Bellydance Superstar Sharon Kihara 2months later Warrior Woman

This was my first tribal fushion workshop with Bellydance Superstar Sharon Kihara. The workshop was described as a slightly strange tribal fushion choreography. We did lots of unexpected twists borrowed from classical dance and beyond, with emphasis on side extentions and oblique muscle control.
This painting titled "Warrior Woman" 48" x 24" acrylic on canvas was inspired by tribal bellydancer Sharon Kihara minus the tatoos. I wanted to bring to light a woman deligently training and practising her art form whether it be dance, weaponry or martial arts. Her necklace inspired by a Kit Rae knife design and the two knives in her hands are inspired by knife designer Bill Hibben.